The ever growing comfort zone

You know that magical place where everything feels safe, and you have things under control. It’s a place where you know exactly what to do, what's expected of you, and how to do it. It’s that island of comfort we call the "comfort zone."

It’s a space where your abilities and determination aren’t constantly tested, where you can recharge in the middle of an ever-changing world.

Everyone has a comfort zone. For some, it’s expansive, and for others, it’s more confined. But it’s always there. Some, like me, often find themselves in over their heads with new, challenging experiences. I’ll admit, there are times when I feel a twinge of envy toward those who seem perfectly content staying where they are, just comfortably settled. It looks so peaceful, but clearly, that’s not for me. No matter what I do, I find myself nudging the edges of my comfort zone in some part of my life. Not always with a big leap and not all areas at once, but there’s always movement.

An interesting question is, are people truly different in their nature? Do we have different urges when it comes to pushing the boundaries of our comfort zones?

Or is it that some, like me, happen to have the right people around them? People who encourage you to try more, to dare more? People you trust to catch you if you fall. I believe that expanding our comfort zone is a skill, one that improves the more we practice it. Each time you venture outside your safety zone and discover it brings more joy than fear, your courage grows. And with each new experience, your comfort zone expands.

Let me give you an example. A few years ago, I avoided going off-piste while snowboarding. I was mostly afraid of the unknown. But some friends convinced me to try, taking me beyond the groomed slopes despite my fears. Now, I absolutely love it! I even pushed myself further and started snowboarding on mountains with no prepared slopes at all. And in the process, I believe I grew a little as a person, just like we do with every challenge, whether we succeed or not.

Snowy mountains

After each challenge, though, I find myself needing to retreat to my comfort zone for a while. Find a place where I can recharge, where I don’t have to figure everything out. And each time I return, that comfort zone is a bit larger. Expanding our comfort zone is about motivating and inspiring ourselves in a way that respects who we are. It’s not about being perfect at everything but about having the courage to try.

Earlier this year, I spoke at a Java conference with a colleague and friend. It all started with a casual conversation about goals and dreams. I mentioned that one of my long-term goals was to speak at a conference. He said, “Okay, let’s apply together. We probably won’t get accepted anyway because of the competition.” That thought made it feel less intimidating. So you can imagine my surprise when, a few weeks later, I received the message that our proposal had been accepted. After a lot of preparation, we did it, and today, I’m incredibly grateful he encouraged me to take the leap. The thrill of conquering a challenge is truly worth it.

Jessica, teaching at JFocus

Reflecting on it, maybe we don’t appreciate our comfort zones as much as we should. Without them, we’d probably feel stressed all the time!

In my work as a developer, I’m almost always nudging the edges of my comfort zone. Nearly every day, I face challenges where I don’t know the answers right away. Depending on the team and the situation, this can feel empowering, like “we can do anything,” or it can feel more daunting.

So, am I more curious or driven to explore the boundaries of what’s comfortable than others? Maybe it’s a combination of factors. But the common thread in all of my stories is the importance of having supportive people around. Even when I decided to move alone to Gothenburg years ago, I knew I had a network of people who would catch me if I stumbled. With the right team and support system, we can take on almost anything, growing both as a group and as individuals. So, seek out those who will support you, but more importantly, be that person for someone else.

There’s something deeply rewarding about being able to encourage, push, teach or simply lend a bit of your courage and energy to others. And in the process, your own comfort zone expands because there’s always something new to learn along the way.

Be curious, be generous and dare to be a beginner.