Hi there!

Good Vibes Only is owned by me, Jessica, and I work as a freelance front-end developer. I write about things I’ve experimented with and thoughts I like to share, focusing on creativity and CSS.

I have a love for CSS because it’s what makes the web look interesting and fun!

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CSS goes typesafe?

Did you know that CSS can, in a way, be typesafe and that we can use it effectively with custom properties? Now you do! Here’s the standard way to initialize a custom property. Always hotpink…

:root {
  --highlightColor: hotpink;

A custom property initialized with ‘@property’ also includes the syntax type and sets inheritance, going beyond just name and value.

The benefit of this approach is that with the standard property, you expect that property to contain a color as a value. If someone updates that property to have a value other than a color, any use of the property would fail. With ‘@property’, we define a fallback color and a type. If a non-color value is used, the color will always fall back to the initial fallback value. Color is just one of many types supported.

@property --highlightColor {
  syntax: "<color>";
  inherits: false;
  initial-value: hotpink;

Using ‘@property’ also enables animations of properties that were previously impossible to transition, like gradients. Neat, right!? And it’s now in Baseline!

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Fatigued or just tired?

The week before my summer holiday, I had a sunny lunch with my colleagues. One of them brought up an interesting point, there’s not just one way to be tired — there are many! We all laughed and told him he should write a book on the topic, but the thought stuck with me.

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Reflections after CSS DAY 2024

This week, I attended CSS DAY Conference in Amsterdam for the second time. Last year, there were so many new things on the CSS agenda that I went home feeling both inspired and humbled. This year, I wasn't sure what to expect.

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